The Secret to Having An Improved Quality Life

Quality life occurs as a result of the small decisions we make for ourselves every day. The secret to having a perfect day is knowing that it starts the night before. Usually, a perfect day translates to a productive day, right? Ticking tasks off your to-do lists and revelling in the satisfaction that comes with it. Below are things you can do to improve the quality of your life daily:

  1. Do away with your phone 30 minutes before you sleep. I know we can’t tell when we fall asleep but hear me out. You might have fixed your sleep time to 10 pm. So by 9:30 pm, ensure your phone isn’t in your hand. Silence it too so you won’t be tempted by notification pings. Even if you don’t have a fixed bedtime, your body will tell you it’s tired, it needs rest and that’s what you’ll work with.
  2. When you’re on your bed, try to recount how you spent your day, what you did well, what you need to improve on, and so on.
  3. When you wake up in the morning, DON’T TAKE YOUR PHONE IMMEDIATELY! I had to yell that, I’m sorry. Instead, grab a notepad and your pen, write down all the things you hope to accomplish, and time-box them. Here are examples of what that should look like;
  4. Pray – 6:00 am
  5. Brush my teeth immediately after praying
  6. Change into my exercise clothes immediately after brushing my teeth and do 20 jumping jacks
  7. Breakfast
  8. Wash my toilet
  9. Check my mail – 4:00 pm
  10. Zoom meeting – 5:30 pm
  11. If at any point I feel idle and catch myself about to start/scrolling through my phone with no purpose, here are things I can do:
    1. Open the Udemy app and catch up on my online course
    2. Write a linked-in article
  • Send cold emails
  1. Tidy up my room
  2. Fold my laundry
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I hope I’ve been able to encourage you from what I’ve written so far to start keeping a to-do list. But when you’re writing it, keep these things in mind;

  • Make your goals clear and specific. You can add extra columns to yours; “What? Why? When?” like in the example below 👇
·       Read economics note ·       Because I have a test next week ·       As soon as I wake up from my nap
·       Tidy my room ·       Because I feel happier when my space is clean ·       At 10:30 am
·       Call my mum ·       Because it makes her happy ·       At 5 pm


  • Be realistic with your time and effort. If you write 20 tasks and each of them will take 2 hours on average, not only is it impossible for you to finish it, but you might also feel overwhelmed and disappointed with yourself when you see there are still lots of things you haven’t done.
  • Nothing is too silly to be on your list. This is about you, no one else.
  • It’d be more effective if you write it on a piece of paper and pin it on the wall in a central location. this way, whenever you pass by it, you review it. Mark the ones that have been done, and note the remaining ones.
  • Lastly, if you’re a believer, you must engage in an act called ‘Shukr’. Shukr means ‘Thanks’. It’s just acknowledging your helplessness and giving full credit to God for the gift of life and making it easy for you to achieve all you’ve accomplished. Then pray for Him to make you consistent and bless you in it.
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WHEW! That was a lot, but I hope you get the idea. Everything boils down to discipline and self-awareness. Most times, our phones are nothing but a mere distraction and source of anxiety so if we can all learn to detach our souls from it, there would certainly be great improvement in the quality of life.

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