When Family Becomes the Most Important Destination

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Dertha started saying Mama often. She would point at Chinaza’s picture on the wall, beside the big family portrait and say, “Mama! See Mama!”At first, Nonso would smile and nod agreeably with her, “Yes, it is Mama.”  He would then swing her into a hug and they would scan Chinaza’s framed photo, the only one in the living room. At night, Dertha would clap and squeal when Chinaza’s face appeared in the video call. It was their magical moment, a sacred tradition that they had kept every night for the past two months since Chinaza left for her program in Belfast. Nonso would allow the children to gush over her first before he would ask, “Kedu, how are you coping over there?” Her countenance fell each time and then brightened up almost immediately remembering their children were still on the call. “I’m fine,” She would respond and then her voice would trail off recounting how her day went and what she did differently in class, how she helped the old woman at Target; how she skipped going to the gym and would not renew her subscription just to save cost. How she ate only boiled eggs for breakfast and Oats for dinner. How the new job as an assistant at the elderly home was treating her. “I can’t wait for you all to come over,” she would say finally. “Soon, we will be with you again.”  Those became their parting words each night, it gave them hope that they would be a complete family again. But that hope began to give in to despair and finally to frustration. The UK Embassy kept denying Nonso’s Visa. He had declared everything he had, why he was travelling and what he was going to do there but they kept rejecting his application each time.  Then Chinaza’s crying spells began, she would have tears in her eyes as she spoke to the kids and watched them do their homework and when she was alone with Nonso, she would let the tears out, sobbing hysterically. She had wanted to leave Nigeria by all means and even though she already had a master’s degree, opted to apply for another just to facilitate leaving. Nonso was not as eager as she was but with each family that left the country, each Facebook post that showed people abroad and each discomfort from government policies which were making lives difficult in Nigeria, Chinaza would complain and talk about how life would be easier if they just relocated. Her application got approved and she was elated to leave first and then bring Nonso and the kids over as her dependants. It felt easy as they said it, as they planned for her relocation and as they said their goodbyes. Now, those cherished moments of togetherness were all they had. Chinaza cried as she remembered how Nonso wanted them to save up more and take things easy and how she had been the one on his neck.  Why wouldn’t they let her family come over to the United Kingdom to be with her? She looked at his weak eyes and said nothing further till they ended the call Nonso watched Dertha’s enthusiasm begin to wane as she pointed at Chinaza’s picture, her “see Mama!” words lacked the lustre they once had and he no longer nodded or agreed with her. Her Mama was gone for a year now and all plans to be together had proven abortive. Mama was not there to see Dertha graduate from pre-school, she wasn’t there to see Caleb collect the overall best students award for the second time; to see him move to third grade where they hoped he would clinch the award again for the third time in a row. Mama wasn’t there to try Nonso’s many recipes, he had grown to become a renowned chef at home since her departure. He had learnt to cook and try things out to ensure the kids fed well. Mama wasn’t there to attend his company’s anniversary dinner with him and he had sat alone with friends who came with their spouses. That night he had returned home and called Chinaza immediately but when she didn’t pick up after the third ring, he flung his phone across the room and removed the necktie he had on angrily. They had agreed to talk by 8:00 pm every day which was 7:00 pm over there. Why was she not there? He angrily sent a text and asked what she was doing behind his back. His frustration only calmed down when he took a cold shower and checked on the children with his Mother to be sure they were fine. He slept off in the living room. He woke up to Chinaza’s text asking what was happening with him and why he sent such an accusing message to her. He wanted to apologize when he got a call from his mum to come over quickly. Dertha was running a temperature and had been throwing up. He spent the entire day at the children’s clinic and for one, he was grateful for his company’s HMO. Caleb opted to stay with his dad and sister so he and Nonso sat at the children’s playing ground, had lunch at the cafeteria and played Whot cards in Dertha’s ward. They waited till Dertha was certified okay and free to go. Nonso heaved a sigh of relief as they got home. He was getting good at this “daddy” thing, he just pulled through a sick bout and did not lose his mind to worry. Dertha was fine. He cooked their meals and waited patiently for 8:00 pm again so they could talk to Chinaza. Caleb fell ill the next day. Whatever Dertha had must have been transferred to him. Nonso was lost again as he took the trip back to the children’s hospital and had to miss church service. That night, he broke down as he talked to Chinaza. “I don’t know what is happening, … Read more

Top Five Countries with the Easiest Student Visa Procedures

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The procedures for getting a student visa for some countries are gruesome and frustrating. Some are so bad that you begin to rethink your decision to go abroad for your studies. We understand. If you want to avoid the unnecessary hassle that comes with getting a visa, this is for you. Here are five countries with the easiest student visa procedures.   1. Australia The Australian educational system is one of the most advanced in the world. If you are looking for a country to study in, this should be among the top countries on your list. They offer a range of scholarships for foreign students. A certificate from an Australian University is recognized all over the world. An Australian student visa gives you the opportunity to work even after your studies. The process to get the visa is not hard. First, you need to apply into the university of your choice. It is advisable to apply into more than one university so that you will have a range of choices. Once you get admission and it is confirmed, you will then proceed to pay the course fees. Then, you will gather all the necessary documents required of you. After your visa has been confirmed, the rest is a smooth-sailing ride.   2. Ireland Imagine having the opportunity to stay back for up to three months after your studies have ended. Having an Irish student visa gives you that opportunity. Aside from the fact that Ireland is a peaceful country, its educational system is great. What is even greater is that you can start your application online. You can also begin the process of visa renewal online. Ireland is one of the best places for international students. As far as you have your letter of admission from the institution you wish to go to, it will be seamless. All you need to do is gather required documents like proof of funds, admission letter, document confirming payment of course fees, among others. This student visa allows you to work part-time or full-time. However, you must begin your application online.   3. Germany Tuition is free in Germany. This is why international students flock to the country for their studies. What’s more? Germany has a low cost of living. The quality of life there, however, is high. Your studentship will be a joyride. You can also work as a student in Germany. If you really want to go to Germany for studies though, learning the German language is a must. If you cannot learn it from where you are, that is okay! You can apply for a language-study visa. This will enable you to learn the language for up to two years. After this, you can apply to any German university and re-apply for a German student visa.   4. Canada Canada has about a hundred universities and over 160 colleges. It is among the top countries that are receptive to international students. This country should be on your list of countries to study in. Not only is the climate favourable, the education system is also top quality. Canadian universities offer a wide range of courses for students to choose from. You can also work as you study, earning money on the side, provided you have a permit. Application for a study visa in Canada is one of the easiest. It does not require too much work. Getting accepted into a Canadian university is one of the few requirements. Next, check if you are eligible to apply for the visa. Prepare the necessary document needed, apply for the visa and then wait for a decision to be made.   4. Finland Finland is great for international students too. Although it is not the most popular, it is a lovely place to further your education. Tuition is affordable and like in Canada, you can work and study at the same time. However, you can only work if you have a residence permit. Once you get a full-time job, you can apply for permanent residency. Applying for a visa to Finland is not difficult either. You need to be accepted into a Finnish University first. Then, you will have to gather documents that prove you are financially capable of supporting yourself. Another document needed is proof of health insurance and some other important documents. Once you submit all you need to, you will be given the visa. So, what do you think? Now that you know that applying for a study visa to these countries is not as hard as you thought, which will you be opting for? Opeyemi Kareem