The Art of Introversion

The Art of Introversion

Introversion has always been my behavioural type since I heard of it and started taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. I have taken the test about 4 times, and it’s still the same “I” result I get. As a startup writer, I was made to understand that if I want to improve my writing skills, I have to write at least an article every day. It does not matter if I am going to be publishing it or not. I guess this one has to be published on WordPress. I was quite perplexed about what to write up on because, honestly, no matter the topic you want to write up on, if you are a perfectionist like me, you will have to do a little research. Even though I write like a total beginner, I want my write-up to sound somewhat good. So, I decided to use myself as a case study. So, here goes nothing. Let’s talk about Introversion. When someone asks you if you understand the term “introversion” or if you could explain the term with just a word, phrase or sentence, I wonder what your answer would be? Introversion simply is the art and act of being an introvert. At first, I thought being an introvert was being shy, not being able to assert yourself, and being afraid to actively express one’s thoughts, especially in a gathering of people. However, according to The Myers-Briggs Indicator (MBTI), an introvert is someone who gets his/her energy from their inner world of reflections and thoughts. The Myers-Briggs Indicator (MBTI) test is a self-administered assessment test that groups every human on the face of planet Earth into 16 personalities. Introverts apparently focus their energy and attention inward on the reflection of their thoughts. According to Healthline, being an introvert does not necessarily mean that one is shy, it means one gets energized by solo time and feels drained after prolonged social interactions. They do better in quiet environments, enjoy their alone time, and tend to be more reserved than enthusiastic in social settings. I would also say there are different types of introverts because I think I am safe to say this, those definitions given above are definitely not “a one shoe sizes all” type of definition. Having a definition that will fit more than 90% of the introvert population, when you see one or come across one, sure do let me know about it. There are various categories into which introverts can be grouped. The introvert types take into account the varied personalities and acknowledge that introversion is a spectrum. There are 4 types of introverts, and they are; Social introverts: They are the most outgoing and the most private of the types of introverts. While they enjoy socializing, they easily feel emotionally drained when they stay out for too long. They have a small circle of friends and might even be the most social in their circle of friends. Thinking introverts: They also socialize, but they most often will not because they are always caught up in their minds thinking and daydreaming. They are so caught up in their own thoughts that they may seem snubbish to those who are meeting them for the first time. They are also more in tune with their feelings so that other people might have a hard time connecting with them. Anxious introverts: They crave solitude even when they are with their closest friend, playing scenarios over and over in their heads about how to let out their thought process. They feel extremely uncomfortable in new, unfamiliar, and large environments. They analyse their day over and over and over in their head to see if they might have made any mistakes. Restrained introverts: They feel uncomfortable when they are rushed into socializing. They are reserved and thoughtful and do not like forced or rushed changes. They find comfort in their routine, appreciate forewarning, and would only go for social activities if and only if it had been planned and never something spontaneous. READ ALSO: How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem Furthermore, one’s lifestyle and way of life are deeply dependent on the spectrum of introversion a person falls on because it affects the way a person interacts with their surrounding environment and whom we call members of the community. Finally, which one of the introvert types do you think you are? I think I might be 80% more restrained than 20% anxious introvert type. Moreover, being introverted should not be seen as a character flaw or as a disadvantage. Every character type has its advantages, disadvantages strengths, and weaknesses. It is simply a personality trait that should not be changed for anybody at any time.

The Role Of Acceptance In National Development

The Role Of Acceptance In National Development

Development is vital for any nation’s growth, and the most important people who have the greatest role in a nation’s development are the youths. Youths become dynamic in their actions and play distinct roles in the growth and development of any nation. They must possess the ability to make choices that align with the pursuit of educational goals and develop life skills, which are paramount for national and local leadership positions.   Indeed, youths are like the backbone of institutions and have the propensity and strength to change the dynamic for a new paradigm shift in society. Youths are the nation’s strength; their individual characteristics, energy, and capabilities support the body politic. They also form a sensitive age group that harbours dreams for necessary social changes. The development of Nations is fully dependent on the abilities of the youths. This power of the youths needs to be positively utilized across all sectors like health, education, technology, business, trade, banking, transportation, etc. and integrated with moral value education to spread love, peace and welfare throughout the nation. Ignoring youths’ maximum commitment and engagement in national development today will have dire consequences. To better understand how to move the youth’s future towards national growth and development, there must be a careful examination of the rationale for expanding the youth’s frontier for active participation in national development. If youths are greatly involved in national development, it clearly shows that their potential as change agents in mostly civil society is being highly recognized. Youths have a greater space in national development that they must consciously occupy, for national development does not only involve the implementation of political and economic policies and action programs that will improve the lives of the ordinary citizenry, but also must recognize the values and other aspects of the state that would act as a national catalyst to unite the people. Having an open mind of how we intend to contribute to the economic growth and development of the state is something that has been thought of overtime even before a popular administration took over. Our education is one of the important factors discussed by the old and young folks in our society. We have seen that education is a way to bring youths to the national theater. The primary role of education is positioning and providing youths with access to effective engagement in national development, which is also a way of incorporating them in the decision-making process of the nation’s government and nation-building activities where they are welcomed, with accurate and comprehensive information will empower them to make healthy decisions. However, the current prevailing circumstances in our country have extenuated the potential of youths as agents of social change and future leaders. We have understood that these problems range from economic, social and cultural activities. The sensitivity of the youths has been greatly challenged due to their entrapment into the treacherous circle of unemployment, poverty and illiteracy. Those who studied sociology referred to this as “attitude of fatalism, resignation and acceptance of the situation.” The persistence of these social problems has resulted in an environment where youths are now cheaply available for manipulation by self-seeking politicians who engage them to satisfy their wants, such as voter intimidation, unnecessary protest, election vandalism etc. Poverty, illiteracy, sexism and unemployment are interrelated circumstances that generate human needs and, therefore, constitute a state of deprivation. As the youth continue to remain in this state, there a pent-up emotions and untapped energies. They provide cheap labour to execute the design of political gladiators and ethnic champions. There is an urgent need to look into these situations and signal society to reconsider its decision on the participation of youths in nation-building. Youths are critical thinkers in society. They are the firebrand tools that paddle the wheel of a Nation to its great path of development. Youths must be highly engaged and incorporated into entire national development as a whole. We are aware that the essence of youth participation in national development is to promote ownership and sustainability of change of interventions, strengthen their abilities to meet their own subsistence needs and wants, prevent and reduce vulnerabilities to an economic, political and socially unstable environment, also to reduce illegal activities such as kidnapping, theft, online scam, oil vandalism etc. to help gain entry into target communities and build up trust and social capital.      

How to Enhance Your Brand Value With a Well-Told Story

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Brand value is the quality that you want your product consumers to connect with in their perception of your brand. It is what your brand means to them. That is, your consumers’ positive perception. A brand is a composite of values which constitute customers’ perception. The value proposition of the Toyota brand is ‘Good Thinking, Good Product’, meaning that a lot of research is invested into making their product durable. Businesses are invariably about profit and vision. To actualize these, there must be some form of strategy to campaign for the brand. Perhaps the best way to predict the future is to create it. Thus, the best way to have a great brand is to create it by way of a positive narrative around it. The Nokia Example Nokia started as a paper mill company (book production, to enable communication between people through writing). Then they diversified into doing rubber works like manufacturing tyres and footwear for movement from one point to another. Afterwards, they go into cables and electronics production for ‘linking’ people. Then, they diversified their portfolio again into linking the world through the production of durable mobile telephones. Nokia has successfully built a corporate brand story of ‘Connecting People’ by associating ‘connecting’ and ‘strong technology’ with its evolving story.   Creating Brand Value and Vision with an Impactful Story Your brand and business exist to make an impact and a difference. In telling your brand story, whether through your brand proposition, advertisement or social media campaigns, the common thread is that the story should captivate and engage your audience. In order to do this effectively, you need to note the following points: Authenticity is the key to telling great stories. Relate real-life experiences. Be real. Capture and emphasize the emotional qualities of your campaign that can be conveyed through your customer’s experience and impact on them. Adopt the use of human impact analysis. In promoting your brand, use real images of the people you are showcasing (with their consent) to create a positive impact. Provide context. Don’t assume your audience knows your story. Add enough background to build your story. For example, narrate how a business loan fintech solution for budding entrepreneurs was provided by your brand to address the plight of struggling start-ups and how such businesses can grow in phases with the aid of the innovation. This would make a good story. Strike a proper balance between saying only what you have to say and saying enough within a short space. Say only what is relevant. Brevity and concision are important. Play with rhythm of words for effect. Determine and set your communication goals and objectives. Make sure you are clear at the outset of the campaign and on the desired outcome, as this will inform what your call-to-action is. We live in a world whereby disruptive technologies, rapid structural changes and economic turbulence are impacting the global economy by accelerating the rise of complexity. Complexity turns out to be a major force businesses must consider when developing and executing marketing strategies. It affects businesses in managing challenges, remaining relevant and opening new opportunities. By telling your brand story in an impactful way, you will increase your chances of successfully promoting and increasing growth and profitability against the tide of complexities.   Temidayo Babatunde is an Associate of Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and can be reached via LinkedIn or email: [email protected].