7 Benefits To Choosing Corporate Security Trainings And Certifications
Corporate security trainings and certifications are the way to go in order to remain competitive and relevance in the industry. Corporate security industry is currently attracting professionals from various backgrounds. A corporate security professionals may come from the public law enforcement or the private industry. One of the things that unify these professionals on the job is the security trainings they have received and the industry network they affiliate with. There are many institutions, organizations and bodies currently providing topnotch corporate security trainings and certifications. While some have attained local acceptance, others have gone global with widespread acceptance. While most of the trainings have general application to all sectors; others are narrower and more dedicated to clustered sectors. Note, corporate security training may be tailored for either certificate or certification. Certificate has no expiration, as such do not require retraining to have validity. However, certification has expiration period ranging from three or five years; as such it requires retraining through continuous professional education to maintain validity. Experience has shown that the industry places more value on certification than certificate. It is also import to know that certifications are oftentimes more expensive in cash and kind. 7 Benefits of corporate security trainings and certifications include; Knowledge: it gives detailed understanding of the subject. Competence: it gives skill to apply knowledge to problem solving. Confidence: it gives assurance of self-trust and right fit for the job. Authority: it makes the holder a subject matter expert. Validation: it confers recognition and acceptance to the holder. Credibility: it confers reliability and trust to the holder. Network: it provides common link/fold to professionals in the industry. As business world keeps evolving, security and safety as enabler has come to centre stage in the corporate world. it is commanding resources at increasing pace. Corporate organizations have come to appreciate and prioritized the inevitable security risks associated with modern business, as such they are willing and ready to foot the bills for any resource professional who is hands-on to manage these risks and achieve expected results. Having the right corporate security training can make you that professional resource person worthy of those bills. To give leadership and authority to security the industry professional who runs the function must possess requisite competence and skillset to drive the overall corporate objectives. The leadership roles may vary in title, power, and authority; however, they are often tied to managing corporate physical security risks. As a security professional, to qualify for hire to these advance positions first requires you must have integrity and be trustworthy. Other baseline qualification may include academic diploma or degree as the case maybe. Furthermore, reasonable personal sacrifice will be demanded of you in terms of continuous training for up-to-date knowledge through recognized industry certifications. This is because, security as an ever-changing field needs continue professional education to keep up with changes and trends in the risk landscape. To remain relevant and to keep advancing in the job, it is advised you maintain the pace of learning after the initial trainings. This learning can be achieved through relevant advanced courses, workshops, and other specialized trainings. The choice of corporate security trainings can be tough sometimes, especially for those who are new in the industry. The first advice is that training and certification choice should be strategic. It must not be made in haste and on random or herd-mentality basis. These trainings are expensive in terms of funding, commitment and time. 7-Guides to Choosing Corporate Security Training and Certifications: Strategic decision: first guide is that you must be strategic in choosing trainings and program. Connect your past, present and future goals to your choice of trainings. Avoid crowd and certificate mentality. The ultimate goal should be the knowledge and the potential values therein. Natural ability: know your natural ability. What are you naturally good at in relation to security functions? Is it leading others, managing resources, fact-finding, researching and training, organizing event, driving supply-chain, etc.? Career goals: your decision for training program should be preceded by your personal preferences and career goals. What specialty functions holds more value to you? What can you make of that function in the next five, ten or twenty years or potentially after retirement? Your niche: this is a specialized segment of the market with a unique kind of product or service. security is very wide and wild, creating your niche will stand you out as a brand and for early success. Interest & preference: train as a generalist but go deeper with the program that aligns with your field of interests; examples are banking/finance, aviation, maritime, FMCG, hospitality, real estate, etc. these clustered sectors have dedicated trainings and certifications. Mentorship: it is good to get a genuine mentor who is already ahead. Such will make the journey less challenging. Market demand: what trainings and certifications is the market asking for? Note, some certifications have attained huge acceptance in the industry, while some others are still in the formative stage. Having come this far, here are list of some notable organizations and institutions who are currently running recognized and acceptable corporate security trainings and certifications. American Society for Industrial Security – ASIS CPP: Certified Protection Professional PSP: Physical Security Professional PCI: Professional Certified Investigator Nigerian Institute for Industrial Security – NIIS CSS: Certified Security Specialist CLRM: Certified Lead Risk Manager CLFE: Certified Lead Forensic Examiner International Security Management Institute – ISMI CSMP: Certified Security Management Professional International Foundation for Protection Officers – IFPO CPO: Certified Protection Officer CPOI: Certified Protection Officer Instructor CSSM: Certified Security Supervision & Management ISO-SEC CSM: Certified Security Manager CPSM: Certified Physical Security Manager CINTA: Certified Intelligence Analyst Corp Security International: CSA: Certified Security Associate CSM: Certified Security Manager CSI: Certified Security Investigator Other narrower and clustered corporate security trainings and certifications currently regulated and known in the industry include; Maritime/Oil & Gas security BOSIET: Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training HUET: Helicopter Underwater Escape Training PFSO: Port Facility Security Officer CSO: Company Security Officer SSO: Ship Security Officer Air … Read more