How To Prevent Workplace Theft

Workplace theft what your organization should know and do (1)

Workplace theft is a nightmare to every business owner. This threat refers to a property crime which occur within a work setting with intent to run down the business. It may involve company or personal property. For instance, if a customer’s car was stolen from a company’s car park regardless a cautionary disclaimer; it is a workplace theft. Similarly, if a business keeps experiencing inventory shrinkage at its warehouse, organized stealing is active there. As a business open its doors to different individuals who are perceived to have values that would assist to drive goals of such business, chances are some persons with ulterior motive will likely mix up, if the process is not watertight to detect the attempt. It is said, a thief at workplace will steal as much as the business permits. Workplace theft oftentimes is an organized crime. It requires well thought-out organized strategy. Business owners, insurance managers, corporate security risk managers’/asset protection practitioners, law enforcement agents, statutory courts, etc. have continue to device controls and mechanisms against this threat however, its trend has remained unabated. In most cases, criminal actors who are involved in stealing at workplaces are successful because of many factors which prominently include opportunity, motivation and rationality. Here are some hard beliefs about workplace theft: Thieves steal as much as the business permits. Workplace theft can be curtailed to barest minimum. Workplace theft is a craft, mastered by some persons. Employees and others steal from business for various reasons. 10% of workers may never steal from your company, no matter the condition. 80% of worker might steal from your company, if given the opportunity, or under motivation and rationality. 10% of worker will actively look for ways to steal from your company. There are about 90% chances that stealing would happen at your organization.  What may contribute to workplace theft include: Opportunity to steal Pressure from various sources Perceived chance of detection Workplace security culture Job satisfaction Personal greed Vengeance Rationalization Socialization/subculture Tone from the top -TFT Available markets for stolen items what can be stolen? Physical assets Sensitive information Money Time Peace Potential victims of workplace theft: Business owner Risk manager Employees Management team Your organization can approach this threat through prevention, detection & response. See brief highlight. PREVENTION: Carry out background checks on workers and other stakeholders Make the workplace ethical & friendly Show genuine care for workers Promote job satisfaction and job security Activate functional security controls through people, process & technology DETECTION: Maintain functional security controls Carry out periodic audit RESPONSE: Have a strong policy and standard Workplace theft must never be romanced Be consistent and firm in implementing the policy and standard In concluding this piece: note that thieves will always be amongst the workforce who prowl the labour market to seek hire. If your business grants them the opportunity, they would come in and settle.  These thieves, having settled at the organization can steal only as much as the organization permit through available or created opportunity. The recommended strategies to manage this threat should be built around prevention, detection and response. Opportunity for stealing at business place must be consciously blocked. ALSO READ: Benefits Of Employee Background Check

Benefits Of Employee Background Check

employee background check

Employee background check is a key business tool every organization must deploy and optimized as access control. Hiring the right candidate for a position is critical for success of any business. Employee background check is a conscious activity to prove or disprove claims made by applicant seeking job opportunity in an organization. It is a verification exercise to know the veracity of information provided about an individual. Honest, discipline and good candidates abound in the labor market however, in their midst are also dishonest, dirty, criminal and evil-minded candidates who always disguise as good fit seeking job opportunity. The conduct of a criminal minded and unfit employee (s) can put an organization out of business in one fell swoop. In a modern world characterized by shrinking employment opportunities, it is expected that available jobs will attract many applicants, who out of desperation will be willing to give misleading information or withhold material facts about themselves.  Due diligence demands that organizations must consciously screen candidates through different lens before opening their doors. While other skillset remain import for success in the job, integrity stands out as key trait to seek during hire. Employee background check is the tool. Key security concerns include: Resume fraud Workplace violence Workplace fraud & theft Drug & alcoholic abuse Insider threats The sensitivity of job position should determine the scope and the depth of background check. However, such check must include some of these essentials: Residences Criminal profile Education and certificates Present or previous workplace References & guarantors Credit history Medical history Affiliations Benefits of employee background check to your business: Enables KYE: know your employee can only be made possible by background check. Some business may take informed decision and take a chance to hire someone with questionable background. Such employee will be on close watchlist of the organization. Guarantees safety & security:  rigorous background check will provide assurance that a criminal, irrational or dangerous person was not hired. Safety and security of workplace begins with having good and honest people. Compliance to regulation: employee background check in some areas may be a strict requirement by a regulatory authority. To avoid sanctions or business disruption, it must be done. Prevents negligence hiring: in event of negative actions of an on-duty employee which result to legal reaction; proven employee background check may weaken negligent hire argument against the organization. Reduce employee turnover: the rate of employee turnover will likely be low if your organization have sound background check practice. Reason is, more honest and less dangerous people will be employed. This in turn will decrease chances for employment terminations or dismissals. Increases revenue: it cost money to hire and to fire employee. When organization’s personnel turnover is low, revenue will increase because the business budget for hire and fire is not draining. Furthermore, there will be less disruption in routine operation of the business. Promotes informed decision: when an organization decide to employee a candidate with questionable character; perhaps for technical reasons, it is an informed decision. Such action should be backed up with other countermeasures. Promotes healthy workplace: a workplace full of honest and good people will be healthy and less toxic. Such community will be characterized by trust, confidence, peace and mutual growth. Improves reputation: a workplace full of honest and good people will attract trust and confidence from customers/clients. Customers’ trust builds reputation and increases revenue for the business.  Discourages dishonesty and encourages honesty: an organization with sound background check practice will discourage criminals and dangerous persons from applying to their jobs. In the same vein, honest and good persons will be encouraged to apply for the jobs. Society will grow better with more honest people. In conclusion: employee background check has significant benefits for any organization that truly practice it. The return on investment is high. Prominently, it shuts the gate against criminals and dangerous persons and it increases revenues for the business. ALSO READ: Remote work and the future of the workplace 

Security Guides for Hiring Domestic Workers

Security guides for hiring domestic workers

Security guides for hiring domestic staff is worth all efforts in this era of collapsing extended family system and increasing acceptance of nuclear family. Domestic workers have come to close the gap created by absence of assistance from extended family members. Domestic workers refer to persons employed by a home owner to provide home support services. Domestic workers may include nanny, maid, driver, security, cook, fitness instructor, home teacher or coach. The rich and affluence needs domestic workers to keep their homes running to the satisfaction of their desired glamor. The middle-class group, women empowerment and the increasing presence of working-class mothers have also made it almost inevitable for modern urban families to function normal without hired domestic workers to fulfill home services. Domestic workers in all ramification are creating real time value in our contemporary society. Regardless, there are associated potential security risks when domestic workers are hire without proper due diligence. Employing strangers into your private home automatically exposes yourself and your family to some risks. As such, it is essential to conduct some kind of security checks. Note, not every domestic worker is a criminal; however, the rising cases of both simple, heinous and organized crimes committed by some domestic workers has casted some sort of apprehension in the mind of people who inevitably require their services. Hence, this security guide for public enlightenment. See below basic security guides to apply when hiring and after hiring domestic workers. Hire from trusted source: contract employment of domestic workers to a registered and reputable Human Resources organization. A reputable HR company would carry out expected due diligence and maintain duty of care for its clients during the partnership. As much as possible, avoid artisanal or self-hire. Background check report: this should be mandatory. It would provide insight to past and possibly the present background of the applicant you intend to employ. Police character certificate: a mandatory report to have. This is issued by the Police to show criminal records about an applicant. Social media check: in this age of physical or virtual life it is also key to profile an applicant online using acceptable social media platforms such as Instagram, facebook, Twitter or X, etc. before a job is offered. Have a personnel file: maintain a periodically updated personnel file for domestic workers. Such file should contain relevant data which must include curriculum vitae, updated copy of guarantor forms, copy of recent full-glare photograph, updated copy of utility bill for non-residence workers, updated medical fitness report, a copy of standard identity card, Police clearance report and any other documents considered to have safety and security relevance. Having this updated records about a worker would create some security deterrence effect. Ensure to keep all personal information and records strictly confidential, and restricted access should apply. If the applicant is successful and employment is offered, next phase of guide should include: Periodic medical fitness: to ascertain that applicant is fit to continue work. Monitor life their style: to know their associate, character, behavior, and manner. Do not take for granted any cue or clue which suggest that your domestic worker may possess a dangerous personality or may have motive associated with criminality. Install smart home CCTV: this would show surveillance of activities within the home and provide intelligent insight. Install smart panic alarm: this would be activated for assistance during emergency or dangerous situation. Keep valuables out of sight: this would prevent temptation to steal or to connive with others to organize home theft. Practice emotional intelligence: be humble, treat your workers nice, relate with them as a fellow human, not as slaves. Show empathy and care, give extra assistance when it is necessary. In conclusion: it is believed that a reputable worker will be known, only after employment is given. Having domestic workers indeed exposes your home, yourself and family members to real time potential security and safety risks. It is advised to consciously take precautionary steps to know who you want to employ; during the contract, to know who you have employed. In this era of raw criminality, no efforts are too much to invest to have peace. ALSO READ: Cybersecurity Threat Of Social Engineering