Nourishment In One Pack

I needed to feel warm on a cold morning was a hot cup of tea. Sadly, my beverage could barely satisfy a 6-month-old baby. 

Hurriedly, I went to the supermarket nearby to get some beverages. On getting there, I was shocked to my marrows. I couldn’t afford to buy the exact items I went for. Yet again, inflation has happened to me. 

Fortunately, a 3 in 1 pack of nourishment came to the rescue. I had all I needed to have a creamy cup of hot tea in one pack. I couldn’t get enough of the taste of the nourishing goodness as I sipped my tea one spoon after the other.

The 3 in 1 CHOCOVYTE contains Milk, Chocolate and Sugar in one pack. 

So, instead of spending more to buy these items individually, you will spend less by just going for Chocovyte which contains all 3 in 1 pack.

In times like this, you need to spend less to get more.

With as low as #150, you can get a sachet of this goodness. But the first 10 people to buy a dozen and above gets to buy at the rate of #120.


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