Maintaining Proper Hydration Levels

 Water is very crucial to maintaining proper hydration levels and good health in every living thing. Therefore, staying hydrated is important for good body functioning. Water definitely helps to keep the body hydrated. This article will give insight on what it means to be hydrated, it’s importance, and how to maintain hydration level in the body.

What does it mean to be hydrated?

Hydration means, replacing lost fluids especially water in the body. Fluid can be lost by excretion through sweat, breathing, urination, feces. Simply put, it is adding water to the body that has been lost in one way or another. This is done by drinking water, or eating food that contain lot of water.

Therefore, being hydrated means, that your body has adequate fluids(water) to function properly. It means the fluid level in your body are well balanced such that everything that makes up your body (cells, tissue, organs) are getting water at the right levels for them to function well.

Benefits of staying hydrated

As it has been stated earlier that staying hydrated is important for good body system function, here are some benefits of being hydrated;

  1. Gives You Energy: Drinking enough water can help you feel more alert and focused. It can help reduce fatigue when taken as well.

2. Improves physical performance: sufficient hydration is important for exercise and physical activity, it makes your muscles to move easily and thus, perform daily tasks.

3. Promotes healthy hair and skin: Drinking water keeps your skin and hair healthy and shiny. It prevents dry skin and hair, providing adequate moisture needed and also prevents your hair and skin looking tough. Water definitely makes you look and feel better.

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4. Helps Your Body Work Properly: hydration helps your kidneys and digestive system work correctly, preventing constipation in your intestine and the formation of kidney stones that alters good health.

5. Supports Weight Loss: for those trying to lose weight, drinking water is an easy way to do that. Drinking water at intervals in a day can help you feel full and also, control your appetite, thus, making it easier to lose weight and maintain weight loss.

Consequences of Improper Hydration

When the fluid levels in the body is low, that is, below the adequate level, it is termed dehydration. Dehydration has many effects on the body such as;

  • Fatigue and Weakness
  • Headaches and Dizziness
  • Kidney Damage
  • Heat-Related Illnesses
  • Brain Problems


How to Maintain Proper Hydration Levels

According to research, our bodies are roughly 60 percent water. Therefore, the slightest bit of dehydration can have a negative impact on our body system. Here are some tips that will help maintain proper hydration levels for normal body function.

  1. Drink plenty Water daily:  this is the best and easiest option to keep one’s self hydrated all the time. Water, a natural fluid, contains no calories or sugar, making it very ideal for hydration throughout a day. Thus, try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day to keep your hydration levels balanced

2.  Eat Water-Rich Foods: food rich in water such as fruits and vegetables can be taken to hydrate the body. This include foods like watermelon, cucumbers, and tomatoes in your diet. They help replenish lost water and also add importance nutrients such as vitamins and minerals to your diet, keeping you healthy!

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3. Urine monitoring: checking your urine color whenever you want to urinate can help you monitor your hydration level. Therefore, if your urine is pale yellow or clear, it means you’re hydrated. If it’s dark yellow, it means you’re dehydrated and that tells you that you have to drink more water!

4. Limit Coffee and Soda: coffee and soda are the most common drinks taken by a large population of humans worldwide. Research according to International coffee organization has shown that 42% of the global population takes coffee and another research shows that 26% takes soda.  Although these drinks are considered diuretics, they can make you lose water, so try to limit their intake to prevent dehydration.

5. Keep Water Nearby at all times: everyone is encouraged to keep water close because of dehydration. Keep water bottles, glasses in very accessible places near you, like your car, bag, or desk. This will help remind you to always drink water often.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that if you want good health and proper body system function, you need to keep yourself hydrated.

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