Domains Of Security And How They Impact Lives

Security appears to be synonymously connected to almost every aspect of human existence. Sociologically; society, in all ages has been functioning through contribution of interdependent human interactive silos. Every arears of human interactions although has exclusive social identity, is however, inherently designed to be mutually inclusive of others. To maintain effective functionality, such endeavor must not be threatened by any variable. Whenever any aspect of human interaction is faced with existential threat, it becomes a security concern to the society.

Today’s world is increasingly becoming insecure; filled with threats from many fronts. Failed state and political instability, protracted crises and violent conflicts, persistent poverty, natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics, economic meltdown, etc. have imposed hardships on people and decrease chances for peace and stability. The above scenario is challenging to contemporary society; and it posses multiple forms of threats that overlap to create a complex domain of safety concern.

Security in the context of this piece refers to a state of freedom from all threats. The concept of threat points to any person, group of persons; and any activity carried out by human, or act any of nature, etc. that has potential to disrupt or terminate the functionality of a subsystem. This “freedom from threats” is expected to translate to efficiency, peace, harmony, growth, development, increase/abundance, progress, advancement, fulfillment, happiness, joy, etc.

See below, areas of human endeavor where perception of threat is oftentimes a significant source of concern to society.

Human security: this aspect is concern with overall safety and security of people. United Nations refers to it as freedom from want, fear and to live a life of dignity. Anything that threatens dignity of a people is principally robbing such a group their safety. Any society deprived of human security will stagnate and be very far from peace and stability.

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Job security: this area deals with one’s source of livelihood and the chances that it will remain gainfully active for a reasonably long period without threat. Where this longevity is perceived to be uncertain, fear of insecurity would become the order.

Food security: this aspect refers to when all people, at all times have unhindered access to sufficiently safe and nutritious foods that meet their daily needs. Any situation that disrupts food value chain is serious threats to life.

Cultural security: this aspect deals with respect and regard for traditions and cultural values, and norms that are unique to a given people in a society.

Health security: refers to control measures and activities required to be in place in a society to keep public health system functioning well to guarantee a healthy people. Where there is loss of confidence in public health; such a place is under threat of failed health system.

Wealth security: this exists when the treasured possessions of a people are free from threats. Such possession may include technologies, buildings, money, innovations, and other assets.

Financial security: this areas refers to freedom from monetary worries and debts, ability to comfortably meet all financial obligations, and availability of enough money for safekeeping. That is a condition of having stable income especially from two or more legitimate sources.

Economic security: this domain points to when a society has stable, interrupted and trusted mode of wealth creation and distribution. In order words; it means a system that promotes well-regulated and unhindered flow of value creations, commercial transactions, productions, positive market forces and exchange of values.

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Information security: in this information age; this aspect focuses on activities centered on keeping information technology and other related infrastructure free from threats.

Environmental security: refers to healthy practices of a community that assist to keep the environment free from man-made hazards, and generally promotes sustainable development.

These domains highlighted above, and others not mentioned are significant to continue survival of contemporary society. Whenever they are threatened by either activity of human or by natural forces, the impacts can affect society in negative ways.

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