Clean Energy: 5 Importance Of Utilizing It

In a revolving world of different industrial changes, and technological advancements, there has been a need for a shift in the variant of energy sources used for man’s actions. This is due to several disintegrating effects of natural energy sources on the atmosphere and the environment. Also, the gradual depleting of these natural energy sources which takes years, to be renewed. Therefore, the use of fossil fuels, wood, coal, and crude has led to issues of global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone layer depletion, and climatic changes in different ways. To combat the issues of climate change which in turn affects human life and actions, the technology of clean energy was invented.

The term ‘clean energy refers to a kind of energy technology bordering on sustainable energy sources. A notable fact about clean energy is that it has zero emissions, in that it does not pollute the atmosphere, and carbon dioxide is not released into the atmosphere. Hence, it is a kind of electricity, power, or energy generated that is carbon-free. In contrast to conventional fossil fuels, clean energy sources emit little or no pollution or greenhouse gases. It’s essential to combating climate change and lessening our influence on the environment.

Also, clean energy is termed clean because it is sustainable, does not affect the environment, man, or his activities, and can be used with almost no side effects. Clean energy as a technology has evolved through the years and has turned out to be a reliable and sustainable source of energy. The basic examples of clean energy are solar Energy and Wind Energy. Clean energy can also be obtained from nuclear sources, like nuclear energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy, biomass, tidal and wave power.

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Solar energy as a form of clean energy traps and converts energy from the sun to electric current, which has zero emissions into the atmosphere. The wind energy, in turn, uses blown air from turbines, and energy created by the rotating blades is converted into electricity. Nuclear energy is generated through nuclear fission, where atoms are split into smaller atoms which generate heat/steam to power electricity. Also, geothermal energy is energy obtained from heat from the earth’s core. This is done by drilling holes where steam and water rise to the surface and electricity is generated.

Additionally, Photovoltaic cells are how solar power generates electricity from sunlight. It is getting cheaper and more plentiful. Wind power produces electricity using wind turbines. This field is expanding and extremely effective in windy environments. In contrast, hydropower uses the flow of water—typically created by dams on rivers—to produce electricity. It’s among the most traditional and well-established sources of clean energy. Geothermal energy produces power or direct heating by harnessing heat from within the Earth. It can deliver steady electricity and is dependable. Secondly, biomass is the process of creating energy from organic materials (such as garbage, wood, and crops).

The clean energy system has several benefits, not only to the environment, and man. Firstly, it leads to the prevention of environmental hazards. Secondly, it helps reduce the occurrence of environmental disasters. Thirdly, it has gravitated to the creation of reliable and sustainable power supplies. Fourthly, it will help in the reduction of air pollution, which in turn reduces harmful smog, toxic build-ups, respiratory diseases, and pollution in the air and water.

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In addition, the emergence of clean energy is leading to a reduction in over-dependence on natural fuels for energy. Transitioning to clean energy helps mitigate climate change, reduces air and water pollution, and can lead to more sustainable energy systems overall. Then, this also leads to the creation of more jobs due to the emerging sector. Likewise, the use of clean energy helps in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, such as Carbon dioxide, and mercury which in turn lead to health-related problems like respiratory diseases (asthma), allergies, and infectious diseases.

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