Balancing Freedom And Boundaries; Should Humans be Bound By Laws

Have you ever wondered why there are human rights and, at the same time, limitations to human rights? Have you thought about why rules and regulations of the University were reiterated to your hearing during your orientation programme as a fresher?. Have you considered why constitution is part of an organization’s standard?. The constitution is not just for aims, vision and all but to ensure that each member of the Organization is aware of both his rights and limitations. These established that even though humans are higher animals with appropriate thinking, they can’t be left unbounded by rules and regulations in any official setting.

Although personal freedom is important yet, there are ethical, legal, and societal boundaries that exist, and this is to ensure the well-being and safety of individuals and the community at large. It is crucial to have laws, regulations, and ethical standards in place in all organizations to guide behaviour and prevent harm to others.

Actually, human beings cannot just be left free and unbounded by some dos and don’ts because this will lead to a lack of orderliness right from homes to schools to the community and then to the country at large, thereby causing chaos and violence from different people since there’s nothing to tackle against their wrongdoings. Infact, it is still difficult to curb some negative behaviors in people despite being clearly stated in the rules and regulations guiding the organization or such community, not to mention when there’s nothing to guide, then the whole world won’t be at ease with people’s misbehaviour therefore it is so important that every smallest organization that has people should have a constitution guiding them.


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However, finding the right balance between freedom and boundaries is essential for a healthy and functional society because too much freedom can lead to chaos. In contrast, excessive boundaries can stifle individual growth and creativity. Establishing clear guidelines that respect individual rights while ensuring collective well-being and safety is crucial.

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