6 Steps to Start Your Content Writing Career

Content Writing Career

Building a career in content writing is possible if you just decide that you want it and you’re willing to work hard to get there. While having great writing skills is a very good way to become a good content writer, it is not enough.                                                                                                                                                            You can become a good content writer and master it without knowing how to write well if you’re ready to stay dedicated and work hard for it.                                                                                                                      Content writing is the use of writing to pass information to inform, educate, and entertain your readers. It is done in varying formats from E-books, blogs, White paper, Product description, and also used as an important tool for social media marketing. Starting your content writing career may be confusing for you because you think you can write, and are curious as to what more there is to it. With content writing, whatever you write needs to have a purpose, and meaning to it.    The following steps will guide you on how to start your content writing career with ease:  Choose a Niche: Decide the specific space you want to write for and the things you want to write about. You can pick your niche based on: your interests, industry trend, and lucrative niche into consideration before deciding. The types of niches you can work on as a content writer include: Technical writing, Lifestyle content, Web content writer, Ghost writer, amongst many others.                        Hone your writing skills: To build your content writing career you have to learn how to write, and how to write with purpose. Most of your writings will be used to build authority for brands by informing, and educating their audience. This is why you cannot just write for writing’s sake; you have to learn the ropes and know how to structure your writing and the purpose the writing is for. You can polish your writing skills by writing continuously for a certain business, and testing how their audience reacts to it— then keep doing it over again.                                                                                                                                Know your Audience: Who are you writing for?  What do they want to hear? What type of tone do you have to use when writing for them? These are important questions that you need to answer. Your target audience are the people your writing will speak to, and those that will make use of your writings.        For example: If you’re writing for a women’s fashion blog, you know that most of its readers will be women, and your content should surround things that will appeal to them such as: the newest fashion trends, how to care for their nails, hair and female hacks that will help them in general. This will attract the specific people that you want, build your brand’s authority and reputation on that industry knowledge over time.                                                                                                                                                              Publish your Work: You need to let other people read what you have written, if you don’t do this, you won’t feel like you’ve started at all. It is easy to feel like you’re not good enough, publishing is what will boost your confidence in your work and make you want to do better as you go. When you publish your work, it positions you as an authority in that niche, and opens you to constructive criticisms; it also makes you better in the long haul.                                                                                                                  Build your Portfolio: Keep a record of every article, blog post, white paper you’ve done in your niche, and put them on platforms like; clippings, where you can share the link to your work with prospective clients. You can also do this by joining writing platforms that help you build a portfolio like The Ready Writers.                                                                                                  … Read more

2024 Content Writing Best Practices

Content writing 2024

In content writing, there are certain writing practices that take your writing up a notch and make the writing process easy for you. Here are some of the best content writing practices that will be helpful to you in 2024:  Creating an Outline: One of the best content writing practices is to have an outline for every piece that you intend to write. Having an outline gives your writing a sense of direction, and helps keep you in check without derailing from the topic. Your audience also gets the value of what they have visited your website for.                                                                                                    Have an idea note: This may sound cliche but is very important. Most content writers often dismiss ideas because they think they are not good, but the best way to test out and see what will work is by writing down the ideas as they come and revisiting them another time to build up on them.          Be Unique: Having a unique writing style and voice makes it easy to spot your work and gives your writing a good rhythm. This doesn’t remove flexibility from doing other forms of  writing. Rather, it gives a style to how you structure your words, breeds authenticity for you, and infuses your creativity into every piece that you write.                                                              READ ALSO: 6 Steps to Start Your Content Writing Career Have your target persona in mind: Always know who you’re writing for and why. Before writing any piece, know the audience, what they like, and what they would expect from you. If you have a male audience, you need to recognize if they are working class: freelancers or 9-5 ers. This will make your content tailored and specific to them.                                                                         Plan your content: One of the best writing practices you can adopt this year is having a good content calendar that helps you plan your content before you have to write them.  This helps you fill in festive days like Christmas, New year, and also significant days like World health day, immunization day, June 4th and many others.                                                             Always have a call to action: Don’t write without having a call to action. Now, this doesn’t mean you have something to sell. Your call to action involves getting people to want to read more from you, having them subscribe to your mail list, and also building authority in your niche: this means your work has to be good, and important to every topic you write on.                                                                                                                        Get feedback: Having someone in the industry who can give you constructive feedback on your work so you can make necessary changes. Constructive criticism helps your writing improve, and make you get better over time.                                                                                                             Do more Pillar articles: Pillar articles are those that have topic clusters- Topic clusters are article collections that makes a topic understanding to the reader and provides comprehensive knowledge on that topic. For example: When you want to write content on SEO Marketing, you can start by having a pillar page which explains: Introduction to SEO marketing, have another post that will be types of SEO, How to do SEO effectively.                            All of these content clusters form the topic you’re writing on. In this case: Introduction to SEO Marketing will be your pillar content while the other topic will be clusters. This will form great information on the topic you’re writing on and show that you have authority on that topic. This is a must do practice for you in 2024 if you want to up your writing game, and also make your writing rank.                                                                                                     Be a forward thinker: The process of writing should not be writing for writing sake, but understanding that it is a part of a marketing process where you have to be meticulous and understand the user needs before going ahead to create content.  Conclusion Content writing best practices to adopt in 2024 are the writing tips that are bound to up your writing game. Some of these writing practices to adopt in 2024 are: Writing pillar articles, having a content plan, creating an outline before writing, knowing your target before writing, … Read more

What the Most Successful Business People Know About Brand Reputation

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Brands like Apple are known to create products that make life easier for people. This is why they keep on releasing different products and making good sales on them. People know that these newer products would have updated features that would benefit them. That is what it means to have a good brand reputation.  Brand reputation is such an important aspect of business, and the most successful organisations employ it to gain competitive advantage. This article will give you an overview of what brand reputation is and how to make the most of it. WHAT IS BRAND REPUTATION? A brand includes all the factors that help identify a product, service, or company, distinguishing it from others. It goes beyond the name. It also involves the perception or feeling evoked from its target audience regarding the brand.  When we hear Nike, we think of fitness, exercise, drive, and healthy living. The brand encompasses all the problems that are solved for its audience and the people who experience them.  Reputation is the esteem in which people or organizations are placed based on past experiences. It is the opinion people have conceived. As a result, it holds deep meaning, and is usually tricky to turn around when it is bad.  A bad reputation will certainly soil the image of the brand and affect its sales. Damaging reputation can happen very fast and with little action, while building it can be a daunting task. Still, it is important to take cognizance of the kind of reputation one has, whether brand or personal. Brand reputation is the perception that has been developed over time about a brand and its operations. It is based on the image built by a brand over a long period of time, and it is a great determinant to brand turnover and acceptance by the target market. A brand with a good reputation usually has a good brand positioning.  Nowadays, it is easy for a brand to have a bad reputation based on consumer displeasure that may easily spread in the media. This makes it very important for brands to work actively on building and sustaining a good reputation.  WHY BRAND REPUTATION IS IMPORTANT The perceived notion people have about a brand can make or mar the brand. A brand reputation is important for many reasons, some of which include:  1. It enables marketing from users Word of mouth from people on their perception of a brand is crucial. While a brand may run ads and market its product, the reception of people is important to push the brand forward as most people will likely listen to others’ experience of the brand before going ahead to make a purchase. Word of mouth is an effective form of marketing a brand or a person. This means people determine the extent to which a brand is successful.  2. Proper brand reputation helps brands build trust in the mind of consumers When a brand has been known to deliver optimally, consumers are able to vouch for whatever comes from that brand. People are more likely to purchase from a brand that is reputable than one that doesn’t have a good rep on the market. 3. A good reputation breeds loyalty When a brand has a good reputation, people want to stick with that brand. And it almost feels like a disservice when they don’t purchase products from that brand or employ its services. 4. It helps to increase sales A brand with good standing in the eyes of people will have better sales turnover due to the belief people have in them. This belief typically converts to sales. The ultimate purpose of any brand is to make sales, and also to become widely known. This is mostly achieved through its representation in people’s minds. Ultimately, a good reputation gives a brand an edge over its competitors. HOW TO BUILD BRAND REPUTATION Knowing the importance of having a good reputation is not enough. You equally need to put in active effort towards building, creating, and sustaining this reputation. Since a brand’s reputation directly affects its growth, it is necessary to know how to build a good one. These steps, if implemented, will help the brand form a good evaluation in the minds of the consumers.  Create a good brand identity. Deliver on your brand promise. Build authenticity. People generally love brands that are original and they can relate with. Authenticity helps infuse life into a brand. Allow criticism. Respond to consumers’ feedback. Improve consumer involvement. Promote inclusivity. Build a great online experience/presence.   CONCLUSION  Having a great brand reputation is important as it helps turn your brand into one that gets community support and that people can speak for when the need arises. It gives the brand great competitive advantage and ultimately helps it increase its sales turnover. Ignore it at your peril. Rodiat Ajuwon is a Human Capital Development Enthusiast. 

Positioning Your Brand to Attract the Right Audience

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Ever noticed how you ask for a biro when you need a pen, ask for coke when you want soda, speak of a jacuzzi when you want to refer to hot tubs, and Jeep when you talk about compact cars? These are names branded and popularised by these companies and they have become generic over time due to proper brand positioning. By positioning themselves well through advertisements, these brands shape the perception of users, which helps create a successful business.   Branding Overview When introducing your business to the public, it is important to do it in a strategic manner, hence the need for branding. Branding is the process of expressing a unique selling proposition, and promoting a good perception of products and services of a company in the consumer’s mind. It incorporates components like design, logo, theme, and feel that agree throughout the brand’s promotion in order to boost sales, and promote brand trust and loyalty. Branding includes the process of product production, packaging, acceptance, and product consumption. It also involves creating a brand promise, building a perception based on this promise, constantly letting the promise known through your brand message and doing it repeatedly towards your target audience.   What is Brand Positioning? According to Kotler, “Brand positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market’’.  Positioning sets your brand aside from competitors and its place in consumers’ minds.   A positioning strategy involves highlighting the brand with its tone, colour, and message in a way that the brand wants it to be perceived by the customers. This helps the customer think about the brand when they need that service and improves their trust, loyalty and need for your brand.  The most important thing about brand positioning is the target audience. The target audience is the end user of the product/service. A brand’s positioning has to involve the needs of the user and the understanding of the market/industry the business is in.  Importance of Brand Positioning To position your brand is to set your brand up for success. While this list is inexhaustive, the functions of brand positioning include:  Control of brand reputation and perception: Your brand sends a message through its feel and look. Taking charge or control of that perception by placing the right strategies in place is a must for brand success.   Positioning helps brands see you as the blueprint for other brands to follow. This difference leads to consumer attraction. Apple, for instance, created the first sleek laptop designs in 1991 and everyone followed. It improves brand visibility, customer loyalty and a need for consumers to stick with the brand. It also makes the brand to be perceived as credible, distinct and reliable. It creates clarity for users, expresses the unique selling point and shows the brand’s vision. It helps you know your stance in the industry and also the public perception of the brand.    How to Position Your Brand to Attract Your Target Audience Effective brand positioning is the perception of the brand as better, special, and reliable to its target audience. To properly position your brand for better perception and the target market, you need to put the following options in place:  1. Know your current status Analyzing the brand stance is important so as to be able to figure out what to do better.  Even if nothing has been done with the brand positioning yet, a positioning already exists, and in order to create a better one, there is a need to figure out where the brand is through its users’ perception, audience, market strength, consumer needs, brand value, promise and identity. 2. Identify your Unique Selling Proposition The unique selling proposition of a brand is what sets it apart from competitors. It also highlights the problem your brand is solving for its users.  What makes your brand better? Why choose you instead of your competitors? This selling point answers these questions that reflect in customers’ treatment, product packaging, brand tone or feel. The USP will communicate your brand, and help attract those who are in need of your service.  3. Identify your audience’s needs A brand needs to listen to consumers’ needs to thrive. This helps the brand tailor products specifically to consumer needs thereby increasing visibility and attracting the proper audience. While positioning your brand, the needs of your audience should be included in your plan and in everything your brand expresses in the market.  4. Create your positioning statement Your statement gives an overview of your brand stance, services, target and market. This statement also expresses the vision behind the brand. However, it is different from a mission/vision statement.  A vivid positioning statement helps you focus and streamline all your marketing to align with your brand needs. Writing a proper statement involves:  Knowing the history of your industry and what you are there to fix, add or change.  Knowing your target audience: This includes the demography, age, sex, location, habits, and preferences. This helps you know your users’ expectations. This is done using buyer personas.  Using words that send a clear message: This helps people relate to the brand more and easily grasp the message.  Analyze your brand’s perception: This is how others see the brand and the beliefs held about the brand so you know if you want to strengthen or change the beliefs.  Proofreading: It is important to be careful about putting the message blandly. Constantly proofread your statement to check for conciseness and clarity. Brand positioning statements have a popular format:  “For (target audience) who want to (needs been met), (business name), provide (brands unique selling point) because (specific thing business does to provide the needs)” A great brand positioning statement is that of Apple which says:  “For individuals who want the best personal computer or mobile device, Apple leads the technology industry with the most innovative products. Apple emphasizes technological research and advancement and takes an innovative approach to business … Read more