Exams to Consider for Studying Abroad

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Studying abroad is now open to all students regardless of their background. However, students are required to meet some academic criteria before they are given admission. There are various criteria, but passing an international entrance examination is at the top of the list for most universities. In most cases, people who display an excellent performance in these examinations receive scholarships or financial aid. SAT, IELTS, GRE, LSAT, TOEFL, among others are the most popular tests. Universities or colleges make these tests a requirement for admission. Each university has a minimum score that they can accept from people who take any of these tests. You should find out and ace which of the tests are required if an international university is what you aim for.   IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems) This test is the most used English Language test in the world. IELTS can take you to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States. IELTS helps you work or study in a country with English as its native language. This test assesses your ability to listen, read, write and speak. Acing this test will prove to the university you intend to go to that you have a good command in English Language. IELTS is recognised by over 11,000 organisations including professional bodies. There are two types of IELTS: Academic and General IELTS. For studying in an English-speaking university, it is advisable to take the academic IELTS. However, for work or immigration, the general IELTS is recommended. The test is in four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test. The total test time for IELTS is 2 hours and 45 minutes and it is graded on a scale of 1 – 9 in each area. You should find out the format and minimum score that your intended university requires.   GRE (Graduate Record Examination) This is a multiple-choice test. If you want to study in an ivy league school, taking a GRE should be on your list of considerations. The admissions assessment of GRE is in two types: GRE general test and GRE subject tests. The GRE general test assesses your verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills. This test focuses on the skills you have developed overtime and are not related to any specified field of study. The GRE subject tests measure your knowledge and skill in a particular field of study. The disciplines in question are: chemistry, physics, mathematics and psychology. These test scores supplement your other qualifications for graduate-level study. The tests are done three rimes in a year in the month of September, October and April. The total testing time is 2 hours and 50 minutes.   TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) This test has four sections: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. It tests an individual’s ability to understand and use English. Universities trust TOEFL scores so if you ace the test, you will prove to them that you understand English and you can excel in your studies. TOEFL is held throughout the year. The test scores last up to 2 years. However, most universities prefer the latest scores. So, until you are ready to apply for admission, do not take the test unless you want to use it to practice.   SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) This test evaluates a student’s skills in mathematics, writing and verbal aptitude. SAT test is over 1600 and 400 is the minimum score a student can get. The sections are reading, writing, math and essay writing (which is optional). All questions are multiple choice apart from some math problems. The test scores are usually available after 2 weeks of taking the test. Each section is an hour long, making the test a h-hour test. The optional section (essay) is about 50 minutes long. To register for SAT; Go to the College Board website and create a profile by signing up. Fill out a SAT application form. Book a suitable exam date and centre. Pay the SAT registration fees.   Opeyemi Kareem

Traveling with kids: Family Travel Tips for Parents

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Going on a vacation can be gruelling. Traveling with kids can be even more daunting. Vacationing can be fun for kids. They get to be in a new environment, try new foods and experience new activities. However, the task of preparation and travel with children has proven to be a demanding task for some parents. Not to worry, these tips will put you on the right track and make your family vacation stress-free.   Before You Go Do Research Research is necessary before putting your kids on a plane to a different country. You need to know if where you intend to go to is safe for you and your children. You also need to know if they have activities that children can enjoy. Another thing to find out about is what the weather will be like. You should know the weather your children favour and set your family vacation for that time. Summertime is a very popular vacation period for most families. This is because the weather condition is favourable for fun outdoor activities.   Get All Necessary Documents Children need passports when travelling out of the country, even infants. To get this ready, you should visit an immigration office close to you. If they already have passports, you should check the expiry dates. Some countries have policies about how long your passport must be valid before you travel. You also need to get tickets for your kids – although children under 2 years can sit on your lap on the plane.   Settle Accommodation You cannot land in a new country with children and then start looking for a place to stay. You need to sort this out before you go. You need to decide if you want to stay in a hotel or if you want to rent a house. Whichever is more convenient for you and your family is what you should choose. It is advisable to make payment so your slot will be secured. You might get there and they may be fully booked, leaving you and your family with nowhere to stay. This preparation is very necessary and should be at the top of your list.   Pack Only Necessary Items Many parents want to make a new country as familiar as possible to their kids. This is why they try to pack everything that will make them feel like they are home. This is a smart idea. However, if you find yourself packing what is not necessary, you will have problems. You cannot predict what the space where you will be staying will look like. Having too much luggage in a small space, with children, will not be comfortable.   During the Flight Flight Time = Nap Time Some children find it difficult to settle during flights. Maybe from excitement or nerves, they are restless. To avoid this, align the time for your flight with their nap time. Their body will lull them to sleep. Another thing you can do is provide some distraction, like books or toys. This will calm their nerves and make the flight more relaxing (for you).   Sit in the Right Place Generally, flight attendants will show you where to sit but it is advised that children don’t stay in the aisle seat. This is because of the moving carts along the aisle. They can easily dunk their hands in hot water or hot coffee. That can cause injury and a sour mood for the vacation. You do not want your vacation to be ruined before it begins, do you? Then make sure you sit at the right place.   Prepare for Flight Vibrations Many children have problems when flights are taking off and landing. These vibrations may be uncomfortable for them and may cause tantrums. This may be a good time to feed them. That will distract them from the vibrations. You can also give them gum to chew (if they are old enough to know not to swallow it). You should also note that the air pressure in planes is different and can cause some pain. You should be prepared for this.   When You Land Once you have landed and settled, there are other tips that can make your vacation more fun and safer. Use Public Transportation Using the train or a public bus is good for children. Some children have not been on a train before. It will be good for them to experience something new. It can also be a means for them to see the country. Some form of unplanned sightseeing.   Entertaining Activities If they are old enough, you should let your kids choose the activity they want to do for the day. Of course, you must have a list of all the activities you intend for them to engage in. Just present them with the list and let them make their selection. Remember to include as many activities as you can afford.   Safety You should always look out for your kids, especially in environments you are not familiar with. They might wander off and get lost. Their safety and yours should be the top priority.   Opeyemi Kareem

Working While Studying in Canada – A Guide for International Students

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Are you a student of a university in Canada who is looking for a way to gain experience and make a little money on the side? Well, you clicked the right link! You are of course aware that, as an international student in Canada, you can work for up to 20 hours a week. Working and studying at the same time is, after all, one of the many advantages of going to study abroad in Canada. But it can only be possible if you meet the requirements that make you eligible to earn while studying. Once you pass these requirements, you can work on or off campus. If you wish, you can help your spouse to get a job while you study.   Working on Campus Working while studying on campus means that if you meet the criteria, you are allowed to get a job in the buildings around the school campus. You are only allowed to work on the campus where you are studying if your school has more than one campuses. However, there are exceptions on the basis of which you can work at both campuses: if you are working as a teaching assistant or if your work is related to a research grant, you can work as many hours as you want so long as you are eligible. If you decide to work campus, your employers can fall under one of the following categories; ·         The school ·         Yourself (if you run a business on campus) ·         A member of the faculty ·         A student organisation   Eligibility You can work as an international student on campus without a work permit if; 1.       You have started your study program. You cannot start working if your study program has not commenced. 2.      You have a valid study permit 3.      Your study permit explicitly says that you are allowed to work on campus. 4.      You are a full-time public/private post-secondary school student. 5.      You have a Social Insurance Number (SIN). When are you no longer eligible? You should know that you risk your student visa being taken away if you keep working when you are not eligible to. You should stop working when: ·         Your study permit expires. ·         You are no longer studying. ·         You are switching schools.   What is a Social Insurance Number (SIN)? It is a 9-digit number that is given by the Canadian government and enables you to work and receive government benefits. To be able to apply for this number to work on campus, your study permit must have this condition printed on it. “This permit does not authorise the holder to engage in off campus employment in Canada. May accept employment only on campus if meeting eligibility criteria as per R186(f). must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria.”       Working Off Campus You can work off campus without a work permit. Just like working on campus, you must only start working after your study program has begun. You can only work for up to 20 hours a week if you are eligible and if you have your SIN. Eligibility You can work off campus if: 1.       You are a full-time student at a designated learning institution (DLI). 2.      Your study program is at least six months long 3.      You are enrolled in a training program. 4.      Your study program leads to a degree, diploma or certificate. 5.      You have started studying. 6.      You have a Social Insurance Number (SIN).   When are you no longer eligible? You must immediately stop working if: ·         Your study permit does not grant you access to work. ·         You no longer meet the requirements. ·         You are only taking general interest courses.   To get your SIN to work off campus, your study permit must have this condition printed on it: “May work 20 hours per week off campus or full-time during regular breaks if meeting criteria outlined in paragraph 186(v) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.”   Opeyemi Kareem

Birth Tourism and the Best Countries for it

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Birth tourism is not a new practice among expecting parents. It is the activity of going to another country where neither parent is a citizen, for the sole purpose of childbirth. There are many reasons why expecting parents may leave their country to give birth in another country: For better medical care: There are countries with better and safer maternity healthcare systems. Parents-to-be could choose to give birth in other countries to get the best birthing experience. To give their children a better quality of life: Some countries provide a better quality of life than others. Giving birth in such countries where the child becomes a citizen gives the child a better standard of living. To get dual citizenship: If children are born in countries where citizenship at birth is granted, they automatically have access to the citizenship of two countries. That is, from their birth parents’ country and from the country they are born in. To get residence and citizenship: Having a child as a citizen of a country makes the application for permanent residency and citizenship of his/her parents easier. Note that not all countries give citizenship to children born within their borders. Countries grant either jus soli (right of the soil) or jus sanguinis (right of blood). Jus soli grants citizenship for being born ‘on the soil’. Jus sanguinis citizenship is based on the nationality of the parents.To avoid going to a country that practices jus sanguinis expecting citizenship, here are 5 countries best for birth tourism. Canada In Canada, a child can automatically get their second passport days after birth. With the Canadian passport, citizens can travel to 190 countries without having a visa. The child becomes eligible to apply for jobs when they are older and they can run for political positions, as every other citizen would. The healthcare system in Canada is good and you don’t have to worry about your child losing their citizenship status. It is there for life. Unlike in the United States where children who acquired citizenship by birth has to pay taxes, in Canada your child wouldn’t have to pay taxes if he/she doesn’t reside in the country.   Brazil The Brazilian passport was ranked 12th best in the world in 2021. As a parent with a Brazilian citizen for a child, you can obtain permanent residency by submitting your child’s birth certificate and passport and applying for citizenship after a year. Not to mention that Brazil has world-class facilities and good healthcare. The Brazilian passport also allows travel to over 150 countries, visa-free.   Mexico Mexico is a popular vacationing spot but it is also at the top of most expecting parents’ list of countries to give birth in. This country is part of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) and as such, their passport gives access to other member states like Australia, Malaysia, Russia, among others, visa-free. What’s more? After obtaining permanent residency for having a child who is Mexican, the parents and grandparents of that child are eligible to request for citizenship after two years instead of five years that every other person has to wait for.   Chile Chile is not as popular as Brazil as a hot spot for birth tourism but Chile’s passport is one of the strongest passports in the world. It ranks among the top twenty passports of the world. What makes having this passport better is the fact that if your child decides to move to Spain, they can get a Spanish citizenship after two years of residency and after passing the Spanish language test. Normally, people wait for about ten years before qualifying for Spanish citizenship. Chile and Spain have an agreement to make the process of citizenship for Chileans as fast and easy as possible. A Chilean passport gives access to 173 countries, visa-free.   Barbados As the United Kingdom has conditional citizenship for children born on their soil, going to Barbados to give birth to your child provides a gateway to the UK passport – especially if you have any British ancestors. Barbados was a colony of the United Kingdom. Barbadian citizens also have travel access to 140 countries without a visa and special access to the United Kingdom.   Even though birth tourism has been cast in a bad light, it is not bad to want a better future for your children. Do not be ashamed to reach out for better healthcare, quality education and better opportunities for your children by obtaining birthright citizenship for them in other countries. Opeyemi Kareem  

Top Five Countries with the Easiest Student Visa Procedures

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The procedures for getting a student visa for some countries are gruesome and frustrating. Some are so bad that you begin to rethink your decision to go abroad for your studies. We understand. If you want to avoid the unnecessary hassle that comes with getting a visa, this is for you. Here are five countries with the easiest student visa procedures.   1. Australia The Australian educational system is one of the most advanced in the world. If you are looking for a country to study in, this should be among the top countries on your list. They offer a range of scholarships for foreign students. A certificate from an Australian University is recognized all over the world. An Australian student visa gives you the opportunity to work even after your studies. The process to get the visa is not hard. First, you need to apply into the university of your choice. It is advisable to apply into more than one university so that you will have a range of choices. Once you get admission and it is confirmed, you will then proceed to pay the course fees. Then, you will gather all the necessary documents required of you. After your visa has been confirmed, the rest is a smooth-sailing ride.   2. Ireland Imagine having the opportunity to stay back for up to three months after your studies have ended. Having an Irish student visa gives you that opportunity. Aside from the fact that Ireland is a peaceful country, its educational system is great. What is even greater is that you can start your application online. You can also begin the process of visa renewal online. Ireland is one of the best places for international students. As far as you have your letter of admission from the institution you wish to go to, it will be seamless. All you need to do is gather required documents like proof of funds, admission letter, document confirming payment of course fees, among others. This student visa allows you to work part-time or full-time. However, you must begin your application online.   3. Germany Tuition is free in Germany. This is why international students flock to the country for their studies. What’s more? Germany has a low cost of living. The quality of life there, however, is high. Your studentship will be a joyride. You can also work as a student in Germany. If you really want to go to Germany for studies though, learning the German language is a must. If you cannot learn it from where you are, that is okay! You can apply for a language-study visa. This will enable you to learn the language for up to two years. After this, you can apply to any German university and re-apply for a German student visa.   4. Canada Canada has about a hundred universities and over 160 colleges. It is among the top countries that are receptive to international students. This country should be on your list of countries to study in. Not only is the climate favourable, the education system is also top quality. Canadian universities offer a wide range of courses for students to choose from. You can also work as you study, earning money on the side, provided you have a permit. Application for a study visa in Canada is one of the easiest. It does not require too much work. Getting accepted into a Canadian university is one of the few requirements. Next, check if you are eligible to apply for the visa. Prepare the necessary document needed, apply for the visa and then wait for a decision to be made.   4. Finland Finland is great for international students too. Although it is not the most popular, it is a lovely place to further your education. Tuition is affordable and like in Canada, you can work and study at the same time. However, you can only work if you have a residence permit. Once you get a full-time job, you can apply for permanent residency. Applying for a visa to Finland is not difficult either. You need to be accepted into a Finnish University first. Then, you will have to gather documents that prove you are financially capable of supporting yourself. Another document needed is proof of health insurance and some other important documents. Once you submit all you need to, you will be given the visa. So, what do you think? Now that you know that applying for a study visa to these countries is not as hard as you thought, which will you be opting for? Opeyemi Kareem

The Top Six Tourist Attraction Sites in the World

The Top Six Tourist Attraction Sites in the World

There are tons of tourist attraction sites in the world. This makes finding the best ones to visit a little tiresome. If you have been planning a vacation and are at a loss for tourist sites to visit, look no further. Here are six most popular tourist attraction sites in the world. 1. Eiffel Tower, Paris The 1,083-foot-tall tower located in Paris is one of the most popular and most visited tourist sites in the world. It is an iron tower and the tallest structure in Paris. The view from the top of the structure is an amazing sight you would not want to miss. 2. Miracle Garden, Dubai If you love flowers and gardens and parks, this garden in Dubai is a must-see for you. It is a colourful garden open to both children and adults. However, the garden is not open to tourists throughout the year. If you are interested in seeing the Miracle Garden, you should plan your vacation to fall within the time it is open. From April to October, it is usually closed. However, the opening and closing times change. To be sure of when to go, keep an eye on their website. 3. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt The sand pyramid is a wonder to gaze upon. It is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Egypt. It is the largest pyramid in Egypt and was constructed in the 26th century BC. The pyramids house the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. You should add a visit to this site to your bucket list of world wonders to visit. 4. Niagara Falls, Canada The natural attraction, located in Canada, is a waterfall. It is a wonder to look at and to many people’s disappointment, it is not for swimming. If you find yourself in Canada, make sure to visit the Niagara Falls and you will not regret it. 5. The Louvre, Paris The museum is the largest in the world. It houses some of the world’s greatest artefacts including the original painting of Monalisa by Leonardo da Vinci. This is the most visited museum in the world and it is a must-see for art lovers. ALSO READ: 5 Things To Note Before Touring A City 6. Burj Khalifa, Dubai This is the tallest building in the world. Getting tickets to this structure gives you access to the building except for the top-most floor. It has flats, event centres and even outdoor swimming pools that are worth exploring if you find yourself in Dubai.   To add some fun to your vacation, these attraction sites are highly recommended. Therefore, if you find yourself in the country, you should visit these sites and enjoy your holiday.    

5 Things to Note Before Touring a City

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Many people begin preparing for their vacation a month before touring a city. They plan out their daily outfit, map out the places they will visit and organize a list of all the meals their taste buds are longing to try. But the one thing they forget to do is gather information about the country they are visiting. This mistake can lead to the uprising of many factors that can ruin their holiday. So, if touring a city is in your plan, here is some information you should definitely make research on before you go. Weather Climate is an important influencing factor when planning for a vacation. Climate varies from country to country at different times of the year. Before you plan to tour a city, you must ensure that you know what the weather is like. Imagine you buy a ticket to go sightseeing and then it hails throughout your stay. Except your idea of ‘sightseeing’ is the view from your hotel room, there will not be much of a sight to see. To prevent the weather from raining on your parade (pun intended), be sure that you check if it is appropriate and not too harsh. Most people prefer areas with a bright and sunny climate. Security Going to a country where your life will constantly be in danger goes against every definition of a vacation. There are countries that have insecurity for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Before you buy your ticket, you should find out if the country you intend to go to is safe or not. It is advised not to visit such countries unless you have to. If you must go, find out all the emergency numbers working in the country. Do not put yourself at risk by not doing this research before you embark on your journey. Reviews Looks can be deceiving. A picture will show you the kind of experience you are expected to have. Reviews from people that have actually been there will tell you the kind of experience you will have. Before you get excited to see those giant mountains or clear oceans, check for the reviews written by fellow tourists. Some countries are not as welcoming to tourists as you think they are and that alone can ruin your whole vacation. The only way to fish out the best destinations is to find the reviews of people who have gone on the same tour as you are planning to go to and see if you will truly have a great time. Laws/Norms This does not mean that you should memorize the whole constitution of the country. Familiarize yourself with some of the norms of the country that pertain to tourists. Some things that you may think is normal or legal may be illegal in another country. Surely ‘a night in jail’ is not part of your itinerary. In dressing, speaking or mannerisms, some countries have rules. It is wise to find out what you can or cannot do, to save yourself from any embarrassment or punishment. For example, in some Arab countries, there are places where it is mandatory to have your hair covered and your dress must not be above your knee. Activities This includes holidays, festivals or events. Some holidays/events place restrictions on movement. These restrictions will not be lifted because of tourists. Your movement will also be restricted. Everything you had planned will fall through. Ensure to be aware if there are any upcoming activities that will hinder your tour to save yourself the heartbreak of not doing what you have dreamed of.   Opeyemi Kareem